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For a complete list of journal publications, volume publications, books, and grants, please see my CV below.

Selected Publications

“The Backward Hustle: An Experimental Investigation of Tax Code Notches and Labor Supply” (with John Gibson and Robert A. White) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Vol. 166, 432-445 (2019)


“A New Experimental Mechanism to Investigate Polarized Demands for Public Goods” (with Mark Isaac and Svetlana Pevnitskaya) Experimental Economics Vol. 22, 585-609 (2019)


“The Parable of the Great Banquet: Insights from Laboratory Economics” (with R. Mark Isaac) Faith and Economics Vol. 63 (2014)

“Endogenous institutions and the possibility of reverse crowding out” with R. Mark Isaac Public Choice, Vol. 156, 1-2 (2013)


“Experts with a conflict of interest: a source of ambiguity?” (with R. Mark Isaac) Vol. 15, 2 (2012) Experimental Economics


Works in Progress

“An Experimental Investigation of Warm Glow and Hidden Income”


"Turning down higher wages? A lab-in-field experiment on tax code notches and labor market decisions" (with John Gibson)


“Does automatic withholding effect attitudes about taxes and spending?: Evidence from Uber Entry”


"Patriotism and public goods provision"


“Group Identity and Taxation”


“Religion and fertility: Evidence from a (super)natural experiment” (with Joseph Connors and Hugo Montesinos-Yufa)

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